Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Security Essays

Security Essays Security Essay Security Essay 1. The most effective way to improve airport security is to rely more on technology and less on people. When airport personnel are responsible for keeping the aircraft, terminals, and passengers safe, problems can occur. People are much more likely to make an error than a computer. Even though extensive background checks and fingerprinting required for all airport employees, they do not provide enough security measures to guarantee safety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Technology can be used to screen passengers more effectively. Frisking can make many passengers uncomfortable, and there is new technology available that would eliminate the need for this. Airports can use X-ray machines to see a passenger’s body and reveal any hidden bombs or weapons. Apparently, though, the images are very detailed and some passengers think they are embarrassing, and possibly even worse than frisking. Should these machines be used? They are safer, but intrusive. Airports must consider if a picture with so much detail is actually required.2. Putting security measures in place will not prevent all attacks. There will always be something that goes wrong. The inevitability of new threats and circumstances must always be kept in mind by those who design security measures. Plus, attackers can use advances in technology to constantly come up with new methods for attacks. Even with the best security measures, not every circumstance can be predicted. For every advance made in preventing attacks, there will be a new advance made to intercept or avoid these security measures.

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